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Buffys 2023: Call for Event Photographer
ABOUT THE PROGRAM The Wood Buffalo Excellence in Arts Awards (Buffys) is an annual program that recognizes and celebrates excellence in various areas…
RMWB: Call for Traffic Signal Cabinet Wrap Artwork
Help beautify streetscapes by turning traffic signal cabinets/bins from functional infrastructure into colourful and inspired works of art. Â Public Art Wood Buffalo…
Mini Green Havens: Call for Artisan Workshops
Dear Artisans and Craftspeople, You are cordially invited to harness your creativity and showcase your skills by having a workshop for the…
Call for Submissions: Island Mountain Arts
Island Mountain Arts will be accepting exhibition submissions for our 2024 exhibition season until August 15th, 2023. IMA’s gallery is the ideal space…
Visual Arts and New Media Individual Project Funding
This funding provides up to $15,000 to support development of individual Alberta artists, arts administrators, or an ensemble of artists by providing funding…
Theatre Individual Project Funding
This funding provides up to $15,000 to support the development of individual Alberta artists, arts administrators, or an ensemble of artists by providing…
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