
Alberta Culture Days

Alberta Culture Days

Program Goals

Support the economic sustainability and professional development of local artists by creating opportunities for artists to be paid for their work
Elevate the profile of Wood Buffalo’s artists and community groups by enabling them to reach new audiences and showcase their work
Foster deeper connection and engagement within the community by offering diverse, inclusive, and interactive arts, culture, and heritage-based programming



2025 Events or Activities must:

  • Provide arts, culture or heritage-related programming during the month of September 2025
  • Be free to attend
  • Provide a budget outlining estimated revenues (including in-kind and/or leveraged funds) and expenses

2025 Eligible Expenses are:

  • Artist fees/workshop fees/performance fees (funds can only be used to compensate Albertan artists)
  • Event/workshop materials (for example: paint brushes, paper, costume rentals, etc.)
    Marketing and communications
  • Volunteer expenses (for example: t-shirts, refreshments)
  • Food and beverage (note: alcoholic beverages and bar services are not eligible)
  • Honorariums, wages, and contract wage agreements with cultural workers and artists who are not already employed as staff by the applicant organization (for example: ushers, stage managers, technicians etc.)
  • Technology costs (for example: Zoom, WebEx, audio/visual technician services); equipment rental (for example: lighting, sound)
  • Venue rental
  • Equipment rental


Alberta Culture Days 2025

Applications are now open for Alberta Culture Days 2025 funding. Read the full call and apply via our Opportunities and Calls page.


For further inquiries about Alberta Culture Days, please contact the ACWB Programs Team.

587.674.1625 ext. 101

Frequently Asked Questions

How much total funding is available?

Arts Council Wood Buffalo is the fiscal agent, stewarding funds from the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo to individuals, groups, and organisations to support Alberta Culture Days events. In total, there is $20,000 of funding support available for Alberta Culture Days 2025.

Is my event/program eligible for Alberta Culture Days funding?

Please review the full grant eligibilities before applying. In general, your proposed activity must be arts and culture based, must occur during the month of September and must be free for the public to attend.

Will Arts Council Wood Buffalo help plan and execute my Alberta Culture Days event/program?

No, Arts Council Wood Buffalo is stewarding funds to support Alberta Culture Days activities. If you are successful in your application for funding, you are responsible for carrying out your proposed activities. ACWB can offer advisory support but will not be responsible for the planning and execution of Alberta Culture days events.

My event/program will cost more than the amount of funding I was approved for. What should I do?

Not everyone will be approved for the full amount of funding requested. It is the responsibility of the individual, group, or organization to adjust their budgets or identify other revenue sources.