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Seniors & the Arts: Call for Workshop Instructors


The Arts in Action program provides opportunities for Seniors to engage in the arts through activity-based workshops. These one-off workshops will consist of one session 3-4 hours long where the instructor will help Seniors create and finish artwork in one session.



  • Artist must reside in the Wood Buffalo Region 
  • Artist must be able to turn their artform into a teachable workshop geared towards Seniors and Elders
  • Artist must be experienced in their artform and be able to provide samples of previous experience 
  • Must have a reasonable and affordable budget for their proposed workshop



  • Arts Council is particularly interested in workshops that will engage Seniors or Elders in their workshop, creating a experience that will impact Seniors or Elders lives
  • The instructor will be in charge of planning one 3-4 hour session.
  • The proposed workshop should support between 10-20 Seniors or Elder participants. Maximum numbers will be decided in consultation with the successful Instructor candidates. 
  • Arts Council will be inviting Artists to submit calls for workshops that will take place within September 2024- April 2025



The work media must be teachable and engaging to Seniors or Elders. Teaching Artforms may include, but are not limited to:  

  • Painting
  • Drumming
  • Theatre 
  • Beading
  • Comedy
  • Dance
  • Watercolour
  • Drawing
  • Woodworking
  • Macrame 
  • Improv
  • Photography



All submissions must be submitted through our online Opportunities Portal. Create an account, login and then click on the purple “Start Entry” button. You may begin drafting your proposal by selecting “Arts in Action — Workshop Instructors” as your category. Some artists may be invited to a brief interview.



Submissions must be submitted by August 16th, 2024 at noon (12:00pm). Late submissions will not be considered for hire. 


Arts Council will compensate the Teaching Artists a fee of $500 (including GST) for the development and delivery of one 3-4 hour workshop 



The artists will be selected on the appropriateness of the program to teach to Seniors or Elders, the uniqueness of the program, and the cost and quality of the workshop. Priority will be given to artists who have a strong workshop plan, showing detailed concepts and a focus on working with the Seniors and Elders. 


Please note that only artists(s) who are successful will be notified.


Selections will be made by Arts Council Wood Buffalo staff. All selections made will be final. All successful artists will be notified by August 20th, 2024.



For questions or more information on this opportunity please contact Programs Coordinator, Byron Gard at byron@artscouncilwb.ca or (587) 674-1625 x.101