The Wood Buffalo Regional Library is hosting its first Art and Literary Fest for Alberta Culture Days. The library is looking for teaching artists who will lead a workshop for tweens and teens to create a work of art - whether that be painting, beading, macrame, weaving, whatever your artistic passion may be! The WBRL is looking for three artist-teachers, including at least one Indigenous and one multicultural workshop.
- Artist must reside in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and be able to attend the workshop at WBRL on Sunday, September 25, 1:00pm to 3:00pm.
- Artist must be able to turn their artform into a teachable workshop geared towards tweens and teens.
- Artist must be comfortable working with tweens and teens in a one-on-one/small group setting.
- Artist must be experienced in their artform and be able to provide samples of previous experience along with their resume.
- Artists with a diverse cultural background will be given priority.
- The workshop must be suitable for an indoor library space.
- WBRL is particularly interested in providing a teachable and engaging workshop to tweens and teens.
- WBRL is hosting 3 teacher-artists workshops, plus additional library-run workshops, that will happen simultaneously throughout the library.
- Artist will provide the WBRL with a detailed plan and prepare the 2-hour workshop with the end goal for the attendees to have had fun and made something to take home.
- WBRL will provide materials for the workshop as required.
- WBRL will be hosting all workshops on Sunday, September 25, 2022, from 1:00pm – 3:00pm.
- WBRL will provide light snacks and refreshments.
The work media must be teachable and engaging to tweens and teens. Artforms may include, but are not limited to:
- Heritage crafts and artforms
- Indigenous crafts and artforms
- Drawing
- Painting
- Beading
- Crafting
- Textile crafts
- Macrame
- Weaving
All submissions must be submitted through email.Please send an email to sally.samuel@wbrl.ca, byron@artscouncilwb.ca, luay@artscouncilwb.ca using the subject line “WBRL Art and LitFest: Call for Teaching Artists” as your category. Please provide examples of previous work along with a resume. Some artists may be invited to a brief interview.
Submissions must be submitted by noon on August 29, 2022. Late submissions will not be considered for hire.
WBRL will compensate the artists a fee of $200.00 for the 2-hour workshop, plus all workshop materials.
The artists will be selected on the appropriateness of the program to teach to tweens, teens, and adults, the uniqueness of the program, and the cost and quality of the workshop. Priority will be given to artists who have a strong workshop plan, showing detailed concepts and a focus on working with tweens, teens, and adults. Artists who demonstrate a strong Indigenous or cultural theme for their workshop will be given priority.
Please note that only artists(s) who are successful will be notified.
Selections will be made by Wood Buffalo Regional Library staff. All selections made will be final. All successful artists will be notified by September 2, 2022.

For questions or more information on this opportunity please contact Programs Coordinator, Byron Gard at byron@artscouncilwb.ca or (587) 674-1625 x.101 or Programs Managers, Luay Eljamal at luay@artscouncilwb.ca or (587) 674-1625 x.102, or Community Engagement Coordinator at WBRL Sally Samuel at sally.samuel@wbrl.ca or (780) 743-7058.