This Town
Caitlin Wilson
Norman Cree
I wrote this song for a man named Norm. I only talked to him once or twice, but what I learned about him is he’s worked a lot of different jobs, he likes animals, has two daughters, and he’s lived in Fort McMurray his whole life. I moved here in January of this year, so I was new to everything, and while Norm was telling me what this city was like back when it was a small town, all I could think about was how much it has changed. A few minutes after that call, it hit me, I figured out what I wanted to write about. So when you hear this song, don’t think about the girl who wrote it, instead think about the man who lived it.
It all started in a small town
Called Fort McMurray
Surrounded by trees and a lake or two
Its got one store and a small cafe
And I say
Through the ups, and all the downs
We all grow and change a bit
Through the ups and all the downs
You’ll never forget this town
You’ll never forget this town.
It all started in this small town
Which grew and grew so fast
New jobs came up everywhere
But they didn’t last
But still I say,
Through the ups and all the downs
We all grow and change a bit
Through the ups and all the downs
You’ll never forget this town
Day by day
Week by week
Month by month
Year by year