Just Be Happy
Nabeela Rumi
JoAnn Harley
Visual Arts
The canvas is 24 by 18 inches and I have used acrylic paint and embroidery thread to add details to it.
I’d like to number what all I have brought in based on our conversation.
1. JoAnn said she could never get up in the morning and go about her work without a cup of coffee. It’s important, it’s essential and something that she is grateful for — the cup.
2. She is proud about her lineage and that fact that she shares Canada’s original blood in her veins thrills her, and is depicted with three feathers. The details of the feathers are with thread. She did speak a little about her grandmother and was very thankful for her.
3. Those three feathers also are her children to whom she has passed this lineage to. She considers them her greatest blessing.
4. JoAnn said she had a tough childhood and there are not many good memories. She had to assume responsibilities of an adult as early as 9 years of age. But there is this one thing that brings back good childhood memories of playing in the backyard with her siblings. The memory of it usually gives a good feeling and comes to her when she walks past a lavender bush. They had it in their backyard when they were young. The smell of the flowers is what helps her relive the good times.
5. About her creative side, she stated anything and everything that involves art and design puts her heart at peace. That’s the ‘me’ time she has. I can’t tell you how many things she has done, it’s a very long list. But I know she is very giving. All that she had made with her hands has been given out as gifts. She particularly mentioned she loves decorating cakes and her house during Christmas – the details on the cup is all about that.
6. When I asked about what she would want to advise me about, she said the only way to live without regrets is to live a happy life. Doing what we love, saying the things that don’t hurt anyone, behaving in a way that is pleasant gives us happiness.
– Nabeela Rumi