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A Binding Piece of Art

Emmalyn Soriano

Denise Brideau

2D Visual Arts


Love and appreciation of nature and acrylic paintings, is a shared passion during the
conversation, which led to the concept of wood slices and landscape scenery. Each detail on
the painting emphasizes love and life experiences of a very talented woman-Denise.
Snowman is one of the subjects in her acrylic paintings, which I adapt, as a representation of
Arts Council Wood Buffalo and Saint Aidan’s Society. A good relationship between artist and a
senior, which started through a phone conversation.

I learned an important lesson upon completion of this program. “Life is busy, but, it is never too
late to discover and work on your talent.” Her mother started painting at the age of 75, as she
has 10 kids to nurture. Denise started painting last year, since she is occupied with her family
and her business. They are both self-taught artist, a challenging, yet rewarding gift.