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igNIGHT – Call for Expressions of Interest

Artists of all disciplines across Canada are invited to apply for a lead artist role for igNIGHT 2023, a public art exhibition in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo. Selected artists will be awarded a maximum of $20,000 to lead and support the creation of artwork based on this year’s theme, transportation.

The exhibition will take place at Kiyām Community Park from Oct. 13 to 22, 2023, and is expected to attract a large audience. Lead artists will collaborate with local creatives to design a public art piece that explores the theme of transportation in creative and innovative ways.

“Transportation connects us all. Whether it’s over land, sky, or space, humans are always exploring ways of getting from one place to another,” said Sharon Heading, Chair of the Public Art Committee. “The possibilities to bring this year’s theme to life are endless. Transport us with your vision!”

To learn more about the theme, application process and requirements, review the Call for Expressions of Interest. Interested artists can also attend a virtual information session on April 13 at 6 p.m. to get a detailed understanding of the opportunity.

Key dates:

About igNIGHT

igNIGHT is a 10-day temporary public art exhibition in Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo. The inaugural exhibition took place in 2014, and 2023 marks the seventh edition of igNIGHT. This year’s exhibition promises to be a unique and exciting opportunity for Canadian artists to showcase their work to a wider audience.