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Keyano Theatre: Call for Community Production

Keyano Theatre is accepting applications of interest from local producers of theatre. There are two opportunities to provide a theatrical experience to Fort McMurray. November 6-10, 2024 and April 3-13, 2025. Size and complexity of the proposed production will have to be taken into consideration for the appropriate performance time. Submissions from both a formalized and informal group of passionate theatre artists will be welcome and considered.


To find out more information or submit a proposal please contact Eugene.Carnegie@keyano.ca.


Submissions will be accepted until July 22, 2024 and successful applicants will be informed prior to August 1, 2024. If no suitable proposal is received for an opportunity, it may go unfilled.


Keyano Theatre will provide support for submitted productions in the following ways:

  • Audition space
  • Rehearsal space on Tues, Wed, Fri, Sundays
  • Sept 24-Nov 5 for first timeframe
  • Feb 4-Apr 2 for second timeframe
  • Access to stock props, costumes and set pieces
  • Theatrical Equipment such as wireless microphones, projectors and similar house equipment
  • Ticketing services
  • Advice in creating any technical elements of the production
  • Assistance in marketing through our various means (social media, email, digital signage)

The submitting company will be responsible for:

  • All financial obligations related to the production including rights, materials and personnel
  • Full Artistic control of the production
  • Providing all sets, costumes, props and other materials required to mount the production. Note: Keyano Theatre will not complete any construction or modification of items including painting.
  • All casting, direction, design and management of the production.
  • Additional sponsorships and any related deliverables

Financial Considerations:

  • Time in Keyano Theatre will be at the lowest community rate
  • Labour for technicians and front of house staff will be at current labour rates
  • Surcharge and convenience fees will remain with Keyano Theatre
  • All ticket sales will be given to the production after removing rental and labour costs.
  • Rental fee will not exceed ticket sales.

What to Prepare:

  • A short, written summary of vision, cast, costume and set requirements
  • An approximate budget
  • A production schedule of major milestones
  • Breakdown of time required during the onstage portion of the production
  • Overview of technical elements required
  • Script of proposed performance
  • Summary of the team’s experience in participating in or creating community theatre
  • A meeting to expand on proposal and answer questions if short listed

Scoring Criteria:

  • Production has broad based appeal to Fort McMurray audiences and potential to expand Keyano Theatre audience
  • Likelihood of generating revenue or remaining cost neutral
  • Appropriate artistic/production team members for the production ready to commit to its success.
  • A well-considered schedule from auditions to final clean up.